Now showing items 25-27 of 43

    • Research Brief: Can Passive House and Zero-energy Building Standards Promise a Low-carbon Future? 

      Burek, Jasmina (2020-05)
      Passive house (PH) and zero-energy building (ZEB) standards aim to reduce the energy consumption and carbon footprints of buildings. The PH concept implies a low energy consumption achieved through passive technology such ...
    • Research Brief: Community-Informed Building-Scale Resilience Assessment 

      Manav, Ipek Bensu (2020-02)
      It is widely known that natural hazards, like hur­ricanes, cause tremendous levels of damage and that hazard mitigation can significantly curb natural haz­ard-induced losses. However, necessary investments are still needed ...
    • A Scientific Investigation into Concrete Pavement Durability 

      Pellenq, Roland; Bazant, Martin; Dufresne, Alice; Dupuis, Romain; Gregory, Jeremy; e.a. (MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub, Oregon State University, University of New Brunswick, 2021-01)
      Although concrete pavements offer many long-term performance benefits, there are still instances where premature degradation of pavements leads to unexpected and costly repairs. In addition to being a burden to transportation ...