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dc.contributor.authorDatta, Shoumen
dc.descriptionProgression of the field depends on convergence of information technology, operational technology and protocol-agnostic telecommunications. Making sense of the data, ability to curate data and perform data analytics at the edge (or mist rather than in the fog or cloud) is key to value. Delivering engines to the edge are crucial for analytics at the edge when latency is critical. The confluence of these and other factors may chart the future path for Digital Twins. The number of unknown unknowns and the known unknowns in this process makes it imperative to create global infrastructures and organize groups to pursue the development of fundamental building blocks and new ideas through research.en_US
dc.description.abstractMultiple forms of digital transformation are imminent. Digital Twins represent one concept. It is gaining momentum because it may offer real-time transparency. Rapid diffusion of digital duplicates faces hurdles due to lack of semantic interoperability between architectures, standards and ontologies. The technologies necessary for automated discovery are in short supply.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectDigital Twins, Digital Duplicates, Cognitive Firewall, AI, Agentsen_US
dc.titleDigital Twinsen_US

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