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dc.contributor.authorAiken, Juliet
dc.contributor.authorMoore, Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorFedewa, Autumn
dc.contributor.authorJordan, Taylor
dc.contributor.authorField, Frank
dc.contributor.authorUnger, Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorKirchain, Randolph
dc.descriptionThis document describes how Workforce Readiness Levels (WRLs) can be used as a critical part of the strategic development of manufacturing processes for emerging technology. WRLs are designed to align with TRLs and MRLs, and conducting Workforce Readiness Assessments will enable organizations to intentionally prepare their manufacturing workforce. Our Deskbook is offered as a companion to the MRL and TRL Deskbooks to assist industry leaders in following a holistic and integrated approach to technology and workforce readiness. We anticipate that WRL assessments will be conducted by both industry leaders as they prepare for workforce transition and expansion, and by researchers and consultants supporting the emergence of innovative and cutting-edge technologies. The outcomes of these assessments will inform not only recruiting and hiring for manufacturing organizations, but also training and development both within organizations and in community colleges and vocational schools.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDoD ManTechen_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectworkforce readiness levelen_US
dc.subjecttechnology readiness levelen_US
dc.subjectmanufacturing readiness levelen_US
dc.titleWorkforce Readiness Level (WRL) Deskbooken_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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