Now showing items 22-24 of 77

    • BEING DIGITAL - Nostradamus for the Soul 

      Datta, Shoumen (2011-04-20)
      Amorphous and near-fictional aggregation of relational applications with social media, networking and ebusiness services. Hypothetical seamless lifestyle scenarios highlight convergence of applications inevitable in the ...
    • Energy Self-Sufficiency : Catalyst for Energy Agnostic Global Economy 

      Datta, Shoumen (2011-04-15)
      ABSTRACT The concept of eAGE is easy to grasp if one appreciates the analogy of the distributed ability of computing at the hands of any individual who owns an iPad or notebook computer versus the ENIAC which weighed ...
    • Energy 2050: Bio-inspired Renewable Non-Fossil Liquid Fuel 

      Datta, Shoumen (IJEBM, 2011-01)
      We propose an intelligent Energy Transparency model and a bio-inspired hypothetical mechanical mitochondria to optimize energy efficiency. iET seeks learning algorithms to build intelligence in order to pursue carbon-based ...