The MIT Open Access Articles collection consists of scholarly articles written by MIT-affiliated authors that are made available through DSpace@MIT under the MIT Faculty Open Access Policy, or under related publisher agreements. Articles in this collection generally reflect changes made during peer-review.

Version details are supplied for each paper in the collection:

  • Original manuscript: author's manuscript prior to formal peer review
  • Author's final manuscript: final author's manuscript post peer review, without publisher's formatting or copy editing
  • Final published version: final published article, as it appeared in a journal, conference proceedings, or other formally published context (this version appears here only if allowable under publisher's policy)

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Recent Submissions

  • Practical DB-OS Co-Design with Privileged Kernel Bypass 

    Zhou, Xinjing; Leis, Viktor; Hu, Jinming; Yu, Xiangyao; Stonebraker, Michael (ACM, 2025-02-11)
    This paper revisits the longstanding challenge of coordinating database systems with general-purpose OS interfaces, such as POSIX, which often lack tailored support for DB requirements. Existing approaches to this DB-OS ...
  • SySTeC: A Symmetric Sparse Tensor Compiler 

    Patel, Radha; Ahrens, Willow; Amarasinghe, Saman (ACM|Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, 2025-03-01)
    Symmetric and sparse tensors arise naturally in many domains including linear algebra, statistics, physics, chemistry, and graph theory. Symmetric tensors are equal to their transposes, so in the n-dimensional case we can ...
  • FHE-Rollups: Scaling Confidential Smart Contracts on Ethereum and Beyond 

    Zyskind, Guy; Erez, Yonatan; Langer, Tom; Grossman, Itzik; Bondarevsky, Lior (ACM|The 6th ACM International Symposium on Blockchain and Secure Critical Infrastructure, 2024-07-02)
    Blockchains ensure that all transactions, including those that execute deterministic programs known as smart contracts, are processed correctly and without interruption. However, blockchains inherently provide no confidentiality ...

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