MIT Open Access Articles
The MIT Open Access Articles collection consists of scholarly articles written by MIT-affiliated authors that are made available through DSpace@MIT under the MIT Faculty Open Access Policy, or under related publisher agreements. Articles in this collection generally reflect changes made during peer-review.
Version details are supplied for each paper in the collection:
- Original manuscript: author's manuscript prior to formal peer review
- Author's final manuscript: final author's manuscript post peer review, without publisher's formatting or copy editing
- Final published version: final published article, as it appeared in a journal, conference proceedings, or other formally published context (this version appears here only if allowable under publisher's policy)
Some peer-reviewed scholarly articles are available through other DSpace@MIT collections, such as those for departments, labs, and centers.
If you are an MIT community member who wants to deposit an article into the this collection, you will need to log in to do so. If you don't have an account, please contact us.
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Recent Submissions
Glioblastoma-cortical organoids recapitulate cell state heterogeneity and intercellular transfer
(American Association for Cancer Research, 2024-10-07)Glioblastoma is characterized by heterogeneous malignant cells that are functionally integrated within the neuroglial microenvironment. Here, we model this ecosystem by growing glioblastoma into long-term cultured human ... -
MindScape Study: Integrating LLM and Behavioral Sensing for Personalized AI-Driven Journaling Experiences
(ACM, 2024-11-21)Mental health concerns are prevalent among college students, highlighting the need for effective interventions that promote self-awareness and holistic well-being. MindScape pioneers a novel approach to AI-powered journaling ... -
Beyond Detection: Towards Actionable Sensing Research in Clinical Mental Healthcare
(ACM, 2024-11-21)Researchers in ubiquitous computing have long promised that passive sensing will revolutionize mental health measurement by detecting individuals in a population experiencing a mental health disorder or specific symptoms. ...